
Exciting New Agreement Between FAMD and the City of Dearborn!

July 1st, 2024

We are thrilled to announce a landmark agreement reached between Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit (FAMD) and the City of Dearborn, making our city one of the most animal-friendly in the country. This partnership emphasizes the importance of sterilization for stray and surrendered animals, ensuring their health and the well-being of our community.

Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud stated, “This agreement is a win for all of Dearborn and establishes a robust model for other communities to follow. The safe sheltering and care that FAMD provides to the animals of our community is crucial. I am proud that our new agreement allows us to grow our partnership together and ensure that all animals in our care are placed in happy, healthy, and safe homes.”

Under the new terms, the City will contribute $279.55 per dog and $248.75 per cat, covering the legally required four-day hold. This includes a 65% City/35% FAMD sharing of sterilization costs. Additionally, the City will pay $82 for other species and $10 per day (after the four-day hold) for cruelty cases, with no intake cap. This four-year contract includes a 3% CPI increase per year.

Cory Keller, President and CEO of Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit, expressed relief and excitement, saying, “We are not only continuing to provide vital animal control services and a safe haven for stray animals but also strengthening our partnership to build an even better community for Dearborn and beyond.”

City Council President Michael T. Sareini added, “As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, I am delighted that we have struck a sensible, updated deal with FAMD. This agreement ensures that shelter staff and volunteers can continue their vital work, providing necessary medical services and sheltering unhoused animals. The agreement also includes mechanisms to strengthen our relationship with FAMD, improve collaboration and communication, and support their fundraising activities.”

Key additions to the contract include:

A bi-monthly liaison structure for improved communication and collaboration on animal welfare issues.
Joint initiatives such as pet identification campaigns and community drives.
Expansion of the Feed Fido program.
Non-animal related purchasing collaborations.
FAMD will now issue and collect fees for dog licenses, with the collected fees returned to the City.

Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit is committed to the rescue, protection, and adoption of companion animals in need, inspiring the human-animal bond. Founded in 1993, FAMD helps find homes for approximately 2,500 dogs and cats each year.

We are incredibly excited about this new chapter and look forward to the continued support from our wonderful community.

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