Would you like to download the application instead of filling it out online? Download the Dog Adoption Questionnaire
Create an Account?*
Creating an account will save you time in the future (we save your contact information), allow us to better tailor your experience, as well as keep your history of online applications and donations/orders. All information is kept private and only used for shelter purposes.
My signature certifies that all information is true and complete and that Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit (FAMD) is authorized to gather whatever information FAMD considers necessary and appropriate for adoption of any animal. All applications must be complete. FAMD reserves the right to deny adoptions.
___ ASM ___ Interaction with animal ___ Behavior and temperament ___ Medical/Vaccinations ___ What to do first when bringing new pet home ___ Crate training ___ Introduce to other pets ___ Explain diet recommendations ___ Exercise/training ___ ID Tag/Collar ___ Explain microchip ___ URI/Moving Stress ___ PetFirst Insurance ___ Behavior Help ___ Return policy ___ Payment