Soarin | Lee W | Adopted: February 22, 2025
Eleanor (aka Blanche) | Jaclyn Helzerman | Adopted: February 21, 2025
Betty Rubble | Riley Walter | Adopted: November 4, 2022
I applied to work at the shelter in October 2022 and got hired. I met betty rubble my second day there. She was quiet and to herself, and when she saw me, she lit up like no one had ever seen her before. That day I knew she had to be mine. I went home and worked on my fence for two weeks to make sure it was safe for her to stay. A week before we adopted her, we did a slumber party with my cat, (Barney), to see if she would be good with him and now they cuddle every single day.
She was aged at the shelter as five years old, but when taken to the vet she was actually nine years old. We adopted her November 4, 2022. She is truly my soul dog, and i would do anything for her. She is now about 11 years old, living her best life. She goes to doggy daycare once-a-week and loves sunbathing. She loves everyone she meets, human and dogs included.
Baker P (aka Baked Potato) | Shanda Robinson | Adopted: September 17, 2022
Baked Potato, (now Baker P!), was the perfect addition to our family after we experienced a great loss! He was just a tiny thing with a huge personality when we rescued him, and I’m happy to say his personality has only gotten bigger! He is the sweetest, most gentle, goofiest guy around! He loves to play outside when it’s warm, (he does not like cold!), and cuddle his favorites little humans! Car rides to Kentucky, (and yes he knows what that means 🙄 lol), make him prance with excitement for literal days! He’s the best thing 🩷 Thank you so much to FAMD and a special thanks to Autumn for bringing this guy into our lives!!!
Stevie (aka Astro) | Jennifer Mccanney | Adopted: December 6, 2024
Just wanted to give you an update on your ‘shy guy’….. ASTRO, new name is Stevie…no longer shy guy, he has really opened up into a silly guy. He and his sister play constantly; he’s become the protector of the house, boy has he found his voice. He still gets a little nervous when there’s something new but is slowly getting more confidence. I’ve attached a pic of Stevie and his sister.
Thank you for blessing us!
Bandit (aka Nino) | Meagan Middleton | Adopted: January 9, 2025
Hi! My name is Meagan. My husband and I just adopted (Nino) now Bandit exactly one week ago, he is absolutely perfect we love his little mustache! He got used to my husband and I immediately, has no problem eating or using the litter box and the vet says he is super healthy! He also is great with my dog and my dog is trying to win him over! I just wanted to thank you guys for what you do and Bandit is just the perfect fit for our little family!
Sky, (Skywalker), Meeko, (BoQ), and Nala, (Scully) | Jennifer Roldan | Adopted: November, 8, 2023 (Sky), June 18, 2024 (BoQ), May 13, 2023 (Scully)
We adopted Sky, (Skywalker/Grey), Meeko, (BoQ/Black&White), and we took in Nala, (Scully/Calico), after my brother, who adopted her, could no longer care for her. They are my favorite little trio, they all have personalities that shine in their own way. Sky has the biggest personality of them all, he’s our biggest lovebug and is the sweetest out of the three. He will greet you in the morning with rubbing against you and little kisses. Nala was very selective when it comes to giving people attention but after being here with us for almost a whole year she’s blossomed. She loves pets and her princess bed, and loves looking out the window and making noises at the birds every morning. She’s our princess of the pack. Meeko is the last and youngest of the trio. He’s my little dare devil and he considers himself the baby. He loves being picked up and carried around, he also loves snooping out of our peephole when we hear people outside the door and will go to check lol. He oddly loves trying to take baths with my daughter, though he regrets it because he gets completely soaked, then I’ll have to chase him with a towel to dry him. Having them has completed our family and my family loves coming home to three little faces greeting us by the door.
Cucumber (aka Bonnibel/Bonnie) | Jadyn Graczyk | Adopted: May 12, 2024
I adopted the newest addition to my family this year on Mother’s Day, and I just wanted to share some pictures of her now that she is totally healthy and living her best life. When we came in, the person who actually found her was on staff that day and we could feel how much they cared about our little angel. I want this person to know that she is doing very well and is thriving thanks to them!!
Her original name was Cucumber, and she had some pretty rough damage from a flea infestation, was incredibly underweight, and quickly developed a URI upon coming home. She had a hard few weeks, but after weekly vet visits for about a month she was in the clear and ready to start meeting her siblings!
Since then, she had made tremendous progress and is loving being home. She has 3 cats and 1 big, fat dog sister, and is the most happy, playful, chatty and carefree of all of them! She has so much fun even just playing with her toys by herself. Her fur has grown in completely, and she is getting comfortably chubby!!
We also had a surprising revelation that she was not even close to being a kitten, and was likely over a year old when we adopted her. Her vet noticed the plaque on her teeth and she is also missing a little middle tooth- super adorable btw. She has maintained her itty bitty frame and won’t be larger than 6.5 lbs.
Anyways, we ended up renaming her Bonnibel / Bonnie and we are so grateful for the person who saved her. She is certainly in the place she belongs.
Thanks so much,
Jadyn Graczyk
Cheyanne (aka Katy) | Alexis Young | Adopted: December 13, 2014
I adopted Cheyanne (who is now Katy) from you guys almost ten years ago and she is one of the best things to happen to me. Whenever I travel, she and her sister are right along with me. She loves her dog sister Valeria too! Thank you guys for giving me one of the greatest gifts! ❤️
Kanan |Rachel Popa| Adopted: August 18, 2024
This is Kanan. He was adopted 8/18/2024. We lost our beloved pet about two years ago and we were happy and pleased to adopt and love a new furry friend. Kanan was abandoned and left at the shelter and was depressed since being left there. We took him home and he immediately settled in and showed his full personality. He’s very affectionate and loves to cuddle. He always sleeps with one of us every night. The moment those gentle eyes met ours, it’s as if the universe aligned, and every fear or doubt melted away. We felt an overwhelming wave of happiness as we realized this sweet, loyal soul is now a part of our lives, bringing endless wagging tails, soft cuddles, and the purest companionship. We didn’t just gain a pet, we gained a best friend and a little piece of heaven. Thank you so much to the animal shelter in Dearborn for bringing us the perfect addition to our family.
Captain Lee (aka Beegee or Max) |Christian Shealey| Adopted: January 2, 2024
Shelter name was Captain Lee, he’s now Beegee or Max – we call him both lol! He is still a very wild and crazy boy and was definitely a pup, and he has grown so much since his fostor days with me. He is doing great with other dogs, which is a shocker, as he was known to be aggressive – extremely at the shelter, (I worked there when I started fostering). He just is misunderstood and needed a lot of hard work, and still does. He can be a handful at times but I am happy I was given the opportunity to save his life and grateful to the shelter for taking him in.
Cyclone (aka Mica)|Eleanor Wood| Adopted: June 16, 2024
Hi all,
I’m very pleased to share that I have a well-adjusted, happy cat. It began when I warmed up a fluffy cat bed in the dryer, added a pillowcase and a catnip pillow to put under a chair in the den. She went right for it. After a night in the den, she darted past me to investigate her new digs and hasn’t looked back. (I still put her in the den when I have a lot to get in or out of the apartment.) She has explored EVERYWHERE and everything. Her favorite perch is at the window next to the cat tree, although she lays with me on the bed when I nap. She loves her toys and keeps herself well occupied. She meowed the whole time I was in the shower and flopped onto her side at my feet while I dried off. She enjoyed drinking out of the faucet this morning, so I’ll set up the automatic waterer today. She follows me around, jumping in the nearest chair when I stop moving, and I give her chins scritches and slow pets and she’s relaxing more and more.
Thank you and her foster mom so much for taking good care of her (I texted her foster mom some pics, too.). I absolutely adore her!
-Eleanor Wood
Merlot now Sheba|Michele Kowalczyk| Adopted: June 1, 2024
Good morning,
My husband and I went to the event on June 1 at the Mike Morse Law Firm.
I saw Merlot’s picture and instantly fell in love with her. We were lucky enough that she was available and we brought her home, Sheba is what we renamed her and she is our little Queen.
I couldn’t be happier and I wanted to share an updated picture and she is living her new family
With much gratitude,
Michele Kowalczyk
Marnie (Molly) now Munchie|Marnie Penna| Adopted: April 16, 2024
Marnie (Molly) now Munchie is doing so well! We adopted her on 4/16/24. She settled in almost immediately. She’s so full of energy. Loves, Loves, Loves toys! Loves treats. If you say the word….”walk”…she gets her butt wiggling and can hardly contain her excitement. She’s a bit lazy in the mornings and loves to just snuggle on the couch. She really just loves her people and wants to be with us all the time. The neighbor behind us has a dog and they touch noses and bark at each other through the fence 🙂 She has been the perfect companion for us. We’re going to try a camping trip soon with her. Add it to her list of adventures!!
Pearl/Lucy|Rachel Flynn| Adopted: April, 2024
Our family adopted Pearl at the end of April and we wanted to reach out to let you know she’s such a great addition to our family!
Pearl (now Lucy) loves her sister Molly, her human kids and big backyard! She’s really come out of her shell and we are seeing her puppy self and fun personality!
Thanks for taking care of her while she was with you! Looking forward to many happy years with Lucy!
The Robert Family
Cassandra|Madeline Bacolor| Adopted: September 8, 2023
My partner and I adopted Cassandra as a kitten last September and renamed her Kish. We wanted to share how well she is doing in her forever home! She has grown into a sweet, confident cat with a big voice. She loves to play and cuddle with us and her older sister, Euphrates. Her favorite things are dinner and her wand toy.
Thank you for bringing Kish into our lives. She is truly a joy.
Best wishes,
Miss Fairy (now named Athena)|Maddie DeRosa| Adopted: March 27, 2024
Hi everyone! I just wanted to update you on Miss Fairy (now named Athena)
Athena is amazing, her and I are best friends. She loves the dog park, she loves walks, she loves everyone and everything. She’s the sweetest dog and definitely knows who her momma is. Her behavior has improved so much over the last few months. I can’t imagine what she went through in her past homes. I feel for her so deeply. Rest assured knowing that she’s safe, she’s so so so spoiled and loved, and is at her forever home.
Today she learned how to swim!
Here are some pics from the last few months.
Please pass along to whoever was taking care of her and wants an update 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for Athena <3
Pongo|Heather Anderson| Adopted: 2010
Dear Friends of Metro Detroit Animals,
Angus|June Bromley| Adopted: 2013
I came to your shelter 10 years ago to meet a dog named Angus. You had a $50 adoption fee special and I didn’t have a lot of money, so my daughter and I picked Angus’s picture off your website an arranged to come meet him. When Angus was brought outside, I asked why his face was all marked up and I was told he was a bait dog. I had no idea what a bait dog was but I soon learned. Angus cried all the way home. He thought I was taking him back to the Pitbull ring. When we got home I showed him the backyard and the house and he slowly began to trust me. He ran behind me when a car came down the street. I walked him every day for 8 years and he never went past the end of the street. He would stop at the end of the street, look around, and decide to turn around to go back home. He followed me everywhere. He never took his eyes off me. Angus was my permanent bodyguard. He never did anything wrong. Never went potty in the house, ever. Never jumped on anyone. Never licked anyone, always the perfect gentleman. I am 75 years old and have had dogs my entire life, but never had a dog as perfect as Angus. He didn’t like my boyfriend so he would sneak up behind and nip the back of his leg to let him know he was watching him – never drawing blood. One time he got into chicken legs, so I took him to the vet for an x-ray. The vet took me to the back room and showed me two bullets in Angus’s back. They had been there a long time. I was shocked! I realized what a hard life Angus had and it made me love him even more. Angus slept with me every night and I loved him more than you can imagine. Angus passed away 1 1/2 years ago from a lung problem. I still miss him every day and I am so thankful I had him in my life.
Burmese|Briana Hall|Adopted: December 3, 2023
I adopted a kitten named Burmese this past weekend and I wanted to thank you. Believe it or not, the little guy has brought me so much comfort in this short time span. He is just the sweetest little thing! You all do excellent work with these animals!
Nacho Kitty|Nicole|Adopted: February, 2019
My name is Nicole and my family adopted a kitty just over 3 years ago from FAMD. I wanted to send you a recent picture of our kitty and give you an update. Formerly, his name was Kreskin. He was about 5 months old when we adopted him. He is doing great! He LOVES his brother Finn we rescued about 6 month after adopting Nacho Kitty. Thank you for all you do!
Bell & Boots|F. Sater|Adopted: July, 2022
I just wanted to take a moment to write about the beautiful two kittens, now adult cats, that I adopted from FAMD just over one year ago, Bell & Boots, formerly Sherry & Neil. With the help of Autumn and other wonderful personnel at FAMD, I adopted two beautiful kittens, and my sister, who was with me to help me find my new kitties also ended up (unexpectedly) adopting two kittens! FAMD was very helpful throughout the process, taking their time to answer all of our questions and assisting us with all of our needs. FAMD loves and cares for the well-being of every animal in their facility. I was so happy that our two kittens quickly became comfortable at our home and with us, as if they had known us for years! I didn’t realize how much we would love our kitties, each one having a unique personality, truly making them a part of our family! Thank you FAMD!
Casino|Brianna Nic|Adopted: April 26, 2023
I adopted Casino, formerly Linguini, and I just wanted to thank Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit for the best dog ever! He just finished his last Heartworm injection and is doing great! His sister and him are spoiled!
Mylo|Fred Bunker|Adopted: October 27, 2022
Mylo has taken to life in the U.P. and enjoyed the 22 feet of snow we got over the winter, but he is happy to see the ground again. Thank you
Buddy|Marisa Dore|Adopted: June 24, 2023
Just wanted to let you know that Buddy (formerly Bonnie) is doing great. My other dog Boo has adapted too! The first night was rough but it has not taken long as this morning they were playing together. Buddy is a little pushy with Boo when going out so we are working on her manners and working on some inside potty issues. Buddy is cuddly and seemingly a happy girl. Thank you for all you do for the animals!
Billie Goat|Vanessa Squillets|Adopted: July 1, 2023
It is safe to say Billie Goat has made herself right at home and snoring loud as can be. Thank you all for the wonderful experience today! We will keep you all updated through our journey with her!
Fritz|Brian Kraemer|Adopted: December 30, 2020
I’ve had Fritz, formerly known as Mickey, for over two years now, making him about 3 years old! Everyone always tells me how lucky I was to have adopted a dog like him. He has made such good improvements even since the last update! He is a very well-trained and behaved dog, especially for a dog that initially didn’t know any basic commands, how to play, how to go down stairs, etc. He is an escape artist and even knows how to climb fences, but he is very loving and he loves cuddling, going to dog parks, playing in the snow, chasing squirrels, digging holes, driving in the car, playing in the water, and going on hikes and daily walks. Also, whenever he sees a new “hooman,” he likes to sing the “song of his people” – a very unique husky-like howl. It is the cutest thing ever! He is a very happy and healthy dog and I couldn’t ask for a better pet!
Benny|Rebecca Bernard|Adopted: March 14, 2023
I thought you would like to see how well Benny Boy is doing! He is such a sweet and patient dog, so much so that he teaches me patience everyday. Benny loves playing with balls, taking long walks and snuggling with his new brother Ike, (pictured on the left) at night.
Lulu|Brown Family|Adopted: February 28, 2023
I wanted to give you an update on Lulu (formerly Yolanda). She is doing great! She’s lost weight and is having a lot of fun with her doggy sister Harley. They have acclimated to each other very well. She loves having so many people to cuddle with and loves going on car rides and walks. She loves going up to my work and visiting with people. She loves seaters and naps. Lulu is enjoying life and is very active. We absolutely adore and love her!
Fettuccine|Jeffries Family|Adopted: March 2, 2023
I adopted Fettuccine a few days ago and wanted to give an update on him. He talks SO much and he gets along with his siblings very well, especially the youngest Leia who is 4 months old and cuddling with Fettuccine in the picture. He is so happy and we love him!
Miggy|Brown Family|Adopted: June 24, 2022
Miggy, formerly Rainbow, has just turned one! This outgoing kitten has claimed his home. He loves playing with his dog brother and terrorizing his cat sister. He loves kicking balls around the house and sleeping on plush beds. He has found, and played to death, several mice that his parents never knew were in the house. His curiosity has gotten him in the vents and accidentally outside, but he came home. He loves his family so much that he will jump into their arms to be held and stroked. He likes belly rubs too. His family loves him so much. There is never a day that goes by that he doesn’t make us laugh! We are grateful to have such a friendly, loving, eccentric cat in our home. Love, The Browns.
Kangaroo|Armstrong Family|Adopted: March 11, 2022
I just wanted to give an update on a cat named Kangaroo that my family adopted a year ago today through your shelter. She came to us as an “adult” cat but has grown since we’ve had her. She is a sassy and playful girl who fits right into our family!
Willow|Adams Family|Adopted: February 14, 2023
I came into the shelter on February 12 to visit with a dog, and after visiting him I knew he wouldn’t be a good match for my quiet, laid-back home, but then I visited with Maeve, now named Willow. At the time I saw her, she was very sleepy from the medication she was on due to her extreme skittishness. Her personality was not discernable because she was tired. Something about her tugged at my heat and I decided to adopt this very sleepy dog. I picked her up on Valentine’s Day and my life as well as hers just keeps getting better every day.
Willow is gentle, polite and very quiet, however after 11 days we finally heard her bark at a toy! She is extremely smart, a fast learner and loves to play with stuffed animals, run after balls in the backyard and seek out treats in her snuffle mat. She loves her new orthopedic bed from Orvis and has claimed every couch in our home by putting a stuffed animal on it, which she will check on them throughout the day.
While she lacks confidence, my husband and I are working on bringing her new, positive experiences to help build her self assurance. After a week, she will get into the back seat of my vehicle with stairs to assist. She is uncertain about walking, but we are taking it very slow, moving up the sidewalk a few yards each time we practice. As soon as she masters the small things in her life, I will be taking her to obedience training where she is sure to excel.
I have had several rescue dogs over the years, and while they have all had different personalities and temperaments, I have found one thing to never change; if you give your new family member the time, love and patience he or she needs to adjust, they will give you their heart and undying devotion. All they want to do is trust and please, and it’s up to us to help make that happen.
Thank you all for all the important work you are doing to bring quality dogs like my Willow to loving homes throughout the Metro Detroit area. This is not the first time I have adopted from your facility, nor will it be the last.
Yogi Bear|Folker Family|Adopted: August 26, 2022
Hello! I wanted to provide an update on Yogi Bear, and yes we did keep that name as it fits him! After we unfortunately had to put our Saint Bernard down, a decision I struggled with, I started looking for a new friend. We had been looking for awhile when we found Yogi Bear. I immediately fell in love with him. He was great with my kids and family – truly a perfect fit! He continues to be a great fit for our family and can even read emotions and knows when I am needing extra love! Thank you for choosing us to be his forever family!
Biscuit|Runyon Family|Adopted:January 12, 2023
Hello! We just wanted to update you on Biscuit! He is adjusting well and training like a pro. Potty trained amazingly. He is very food motivated so it’s coming along perfect. We took him to the vet and he is on heartworm preventative and is also being treating for mites. He should be fine. Biscuit is amazing with my 4-year old granddaughter. He play bites with adults but not with her. He is extremely gentle and doesn’t bother my plants at all. He is really my oldest son’s dog. Sleeps with him every night on his bed. Biscuit loves to watch TV! Thank you for all you do!
Shadow|Heffernen Family|Adopted: October 4, 2022
We wanted to send an update on Shadow! She is doing great and we absolutely adore her. She is so sweet and has such a big personality – we never know what to expect from her! She is always in our laps, playing with her toys or climbing on the tallest things she can find. We are so lucky to have been able to adopt her and hope others think about adopting a senior cat too!
Vinnie & Frankie|Darwish Family|Adopted: May 28, 2022
After our big kitty passed away, we knew we couldn’t wait too long for another. We decided to adopt two so they would always have a playmate. We adopted two brothers, Vinnie and Frankie. They bring us so much happiness and we love them so much! Thank you for these beauties!!! Happy New Year!
Oliver|Bejger Family|Adopted: January 8, 2022
We just wanted to send an update on this sweet kitty boy we adopted from you one year ago. His original name was Gingerbread, but he now goes by Oliver. We wanted to show you his improvement from last year. He is fluffy and thriving now! Thank you and happy holidays to you all!
Betty|Toni Boger|Adopted: February 2, 2022
This is Betty. Betty adopted me from the FAMD shelter in February, and she has become my buddy since she came home. This sweet girl spends her days looking out the window to keep an eye on the neighborhood riff-raff (aka the squirrels and birds), playing with her toys, or napping on her cat tower. She is also spoiled silly with snuggles, pets, treats and all the love she asks for. I am so happy Betty chose me to be her human, and I am so thankful for all the wonderful folks at the shelter who took such good care of her!
Beau|Emily Houle|Adopted: June 22, 2021
Beau sometimes called Bobo, has really come out of his shell since we adopted him. He is so sweet and loving. We have a deck that we have set up with a bunch of bird feeders because he loves to watch the birds. He has many cat beds for his mid-afternoon naps. He loves to play. He isn’t much of a lap cat but he comes to us for attention and then runs off to play. He has been such great addition our little family. Also, he has started to sense when my anxiety is acting up and has become a great comfort to me. We are so happy to have him! We are interested in adopting a playmate for him.
Buddy Jr.|Marcia Lesnau|Adopted: June 10, 2021
Here is a picture of Dante now called Buddy Randall with his sister Miss Ozzy Ann. I call him Buddy Jr. because I lost my black cat last year who was just about 12 years old. Before he passed away, I told him that I wanted another black cat and that I would name him Buddy Jr. in his honor.
Hermione|Gina Allen|Adopted: March 2, 2022
Hello! We just wanted to get in touch and give an update on Miss Leta, who we have since renamed Hermione! She is starting to come out of her shell and warming up to her forever brothers more and more each day. We are so happy that she chose us to be her family and that you chose us to be! Thank You!
Rogue & Ranger|Zaenger Doyle|Adopted: January 15, 2022
We just wanted to give you an update on our little boys that we adopted from you all last month formerly named Raptor & Iron Dragon. We were so surprised and delighted by just how quickly they came out of their shell! Within two weeks, they had become such little adventurers in our home, being social, playing, and seeking out cuddles all the time. After getting to see their personalities develop a bit, we found the perfect names that suited them – Rogue and Ranger! We are big Dungeons and Dragons players, so we named them after the Classes that they reminded us of. Both of them are crafty, sneaky, and while Rogue tends to be a little more quiet but charismatic, Ranger likes to scout ahead and prefers perching in high places. We could not be more happy adding these sweet brothers to our household, and we wanted to thank you all again for helping grow our family!
Zaenger, Naomi, Rogue and Ranger
Zuko|Adrienne Trupiano|Adopted: December 18, 2020
I just wanted to send a quick note to update you on our adopted guy Zuko, formerly known as Gimli, one year later. Zuko is still a very high-energy guy. He is responding to his training and has learned some manners over the year. He is cuddly and is great with our bunny rabbits, my daughter and her friends. He is friendly and has a great personality. He is a generally healthy dog, still needs to be treated for anxiety, but otherwise no serious health concerns have come up. He loves wearing sweaters, chasing squirrels, and going for nature walks! Thank you for allowing us to adopt our Zuko. We can’t imagine our family without him. I pray all your adoptable dogs find a home this year! Thanks for all you do!
Coco|Shannan Szarek|Adopted: August 19, 2021
I adopted Coral, now called Coco, in August, (which does not even matter because she ignores whatever name I try to call her by LOL!), and just wanted to send an update. She is an absolute SPITFIRE. Super playful and I mean she plays with EVERYTHING. There is not a stick of Chap Stick in the entire house that is safe from her. It does not matter where the Chap Sticks are, she will find them. I imagine she has a nice little collection of tubes stashed somewhere. She is also obsessed with my older cat. Wherever he goes, she goes. He actually took longer to warm up to her than she did to him, but now they chase each other around the house and groom each other all the time. He also taught her to scream her head off at meal times so between the two of them, it is very loud! They have become two peas in a pod. She is still skittish of people, but will come and cuddle with me for a while at night before going to find her “boyfriend” for bedtime. We are working on it and she is getting better. She has been an absolute joy though and has made us laugh more times than I can count. She is by far one of the goofiest cats I have ever met!
Thank you all for everything you do for these animals!
KiKi|Drew McLenon|Adopted: June 6, 2021
KiKi and I have been together almost 5 months now, so I thought I’d give an update! She is the best girl and is so cuddly. I also discovered that she loves sweaters and walks.
Romeo|Mia Pastula|Adopted: June 19, 2021
We adopted our sweet Romeo in June! He is the most loving, snuggly, giant lap dog. He is the best addition to my home and I cannot imagine life without him. He spends his days getting Starbucks, going on walks, and getting endless belly rubs. We couldn’t be more thankful to have him in our lives!
Cheyenne|Kelly O’Harar|Adopted: June 25, 2021
After several months of volunteering for Dog Day Out and meeting so many great dogs, I met Cheyenne. Her shelter bio said “The way to her heart is cheese and lots of it,” so I knew she was my kind of girl! We had her over in our backyard a few times and eventually decided to introduce her to our cats through the screen door, which was surprisingly uneventful. Since she seemed okay with the cats, we decided to try a sleepover. One night led to another and another and another. She fit in so well and we couldn’t bear to bring her back, so we decided to adopt her!
The first couple of weeks weren’t exactly the smoothest. Cheyenne experienced separation anxiety anytime we left the house, which took some work to get over. We also had a scary trip to the emergency vet after slipping out of her harness at the park and running out in front of a car. Thankfully, she was extremely lucky and only ended up with a few scrapes… but it gave us a big scare.
Cheyenne was heart worm positive and has now had all of her treatments. While she is still under exercise restrictions, it’s evident that she’s feeling better and has more energy. She can’t wait ‘til the vet gives the all clear and she can run, jump and play!
While it’s only been 3 months since we adopted Cheyenne, it’s hard to imagine life without her. She is now settled in and doing great in her new furever home. We love her so much and we’re so happy that she is part of our family!
Clarice & Cleo|Sarah Fielder|Adopted: February & March, 2021
I adopted Clarice & Cleo (formerly Victoria) back in February and March. Immediately I fell in love! Clarice made herself at home right away and was very social. Cleo however, was the complete opposite. She was very shy and hesitant to approach people. Over the past 6 months I’ve worked very hard to help Cleo adapt and get comfortable. Slowly she started coming out of her shell and learned to trust me. Today Cleo is the biggest lover and she has a huge personality! Clarice & Cleo love to play together and take long naps. They are the best sister cats in the world and are my best friends. Thank you FAMD for taking care of my kitties when they needed help. You all do an amazing job! I can’t wait for a lifetime of fun with Clarice & Cleo!
Celia|Briggs Family|Adopted: 12/17/2020
We adopted Celica in December 2020 and she adjusted to our family almost immediately. She loves to take walks on the trails at metroparks and she loves to meet children and other dogs. We think she is a compact bundle of love! We will be celebrating her 8th birthday next month!
Austin|Jennifer Rigney|Adopted: 1/26/21
I just wanted to send a quick update on Austin. He finally decided I’m not going to eat him! A couple of months ago he started rubbing on my legs while I fixed his food. Last week, he decided a quick pet or two wasn’t worth hissing about, and in the last few days he’s gone full lap cat! Head butts, purring, making biscuits…which reminds me, the next step will be nail trimming (but I probably won’t try that for a little while yet). I never thought I’d see the day; I’m thrilled he’s so at ease now! Thanks again for your patience with him so I could be patient with him.
Eevee|Emma Alvey|Adopted: 2/04/21
Hi FAMD!! I adopted Cricket (now called Eevee) back in February of this year. After only six months, she has completely blossomed into this fun-loving spirit that always wants to cuddle. I’ll pick her up some days and she falls asleep immediately on my lap. Everyone in my family that meets her falls in love with her! She also adores her two older brothers as she’s the youngest of them all. The picture shown is from the day I brought her home. Thank you for giving us this sweetheart who’s full of so much spunk! I can’t wait to see what the future looks like with this little one by my side!
Birdie|Tammy Levitan|Adopted: 5/01/21
I thought I would give you and Birdie’s foster family an update since her May 1st adoption! Birdie is thriving. She loves all fruits and veggies which is astonishing to us. She also has an unbelievable penchant for no show socks. Birdie has a trainer for an hour per week and she walks and heels wonderfully. We are now beginning to introduce her to other dogs and she is progressing beyond our expectations. It is her mission to keep all squirrels out of our yard and since we have a pine tree in our neighbor’s yard it is home to a couple of squirrel nests. She is such a loveable and sweet dog and ready to offer kisses at any given moment. She loves car rides and she has to be able to touch you when sleeping.
We have enrolled her in bark box super chewer and she loves all her new toys. Please let her foster family and the rest of your staff know that Birdie is doing very well and she has adjusted to her new home quite well. It was a rough few weeks in the beginning but we were bound and determined to help her transition into her new home and so far we couldn’t be happier.
We were and are bound and determined to help her adjust to our home with love and guidance to help her. It is paying off and she is on her way. It wasn’t easy and was frustrating at times but we stuck with her and she is definitely thriving and she is a loving member of our family. Please tell your adoptee families that sometimes it takes time and work but it all pays off in the end.
Thank you for taking such wonderful care of our baby girl.
Clyde|Ann Mote|Adopted: 7/17/21
Hi FAMD! I just wanted to give you a quick update on how Clyde is doing since I adopted him last Saturday. He isn’t new to my family since I was fostering him (yes I am a foster fail), but now that he’s got a forever home, he’s changing daily. When he came to live with me, he had high anxiety, pacing constantly, following me all over the house and chewing on things he shouldn’t have. Today, his anxiety is much lower and he’s totally bonded with my older Golden Retriever. I can even leave them alone together now without having to crate him! He’s a good boy and is learning commands daily. He still loves his car rides, walks, and napping on every piece of furniture in the house. My friend’s mother has MS and has a hard time getting around. She and he have bonded, picture shown. He is actually very good around her and not getting in her way when she’s walking. He’s rounded out my house and made a full, loving family. We are in the process of scheduling his heartworm treatments which should start next week. Thank you for letting me foster this great dog and what a true gem he is!
Oakley|Kelsey Ravin|Adopted: 5/26/21
We very unexpectedly had to say goodbye to my beloved companion, pet, child, soulmate of 12 years, Harvey, earlier this spring. She was a beautiful DLH Tortie, and I had the wonderful privilege of spending a lot of extra time with her before she passed because she loved spending her days in my office with me. When my office suddenly became empty, I was so numb; it just made the loss so much more real that I was truly spending my days alone.
When I met Audrey, I *immediately* knew she was My Cat. Not Harvey-incarnate or anything like that, but the second I saw her, she started demonstrating the personality I was hoping to find – friendly, affectionate, talkative. I visited her at a PetSmart and as soon as I walked up to the cat adoption center, she was trying to engage with me. She launched herself at the glass, back arched, trying to get me to pet her through impossible circumstances; she pawed at the window, and played with me through the glass for an hour. I texted my wife that I wasn’t trying to sound crazy but she was My Cat, let’s meet her. FAMD was wonderful, responsive, and offered GREAT adoption counseling! We got to pick up Audrey that Wednesday.
She has since been renamed Oakley and chats with me all day. She LOVES being petted and at least once a day settles in my lap during work for a very contented nap. We’re learning not to walk across the keyboards, and how wonderful wet food is. She’s spoiled beyond measure, makes me laugh all day, and my life feels more full for having her in it. Thank you for helping me bring home my purrsonal assistant! We have a wonderful partnership – she makes the biscuits; I make the dough.
Zora|Kara Meeker|Adopted: 7/07/21
Today is 8 days since we adopted Zora from your shelter and she is doing terrific! She loves playing with the neighbor’s dog and chewing on her stuffed animals! The kitties are slowly warming up to her, so sometimes they will share the same couch. She’s an amazing girl and very obedient. Thank you all so much for doing what do!
Wallaby|Nadine Zborowski|Adopted: 4/24/21
I am sending a heartfelt THANK YOU! I was an empty nester and found myself with the blues and rather blah days until I adopted Wallaby through your organization. My world has become so much more colorful since having him! I really had no idea how much happier and fuller my life would get with my goofy, loving Wallaby! He is awesome. He has gotten so comfortable and seems very content. He still talks it up every day! His meows have become more audible. One day my daughter stopped by, Wally walked up to her and started talking. She said “Mom, did he just say Mama out?” I said probably. He will say this and then shifts his head towards the door. He also says, “I love you!” If I knew how to send a recording of him, I would! I bought him a stroller and now I too get outside daily for nice long walks with him! (I don’t let him outside for his safety). He loves to hop in his cat stroller! He sits so tall and proud never missing anything going on around him. We have made friends along the way. He is calm & we go out daily as long as it’s not too hot. No more loneliness in my home! He fills such an unrecognizable void! He cuddles up on my bed at night and always seems to find a way to show me he’s grateful for his home and my love! IF ONLY more people would realize the joy I found by adopting a pet, we would have so many more happier people! Much Respect & Love!
P.S. I changed his food adding fresh veggies and now his skin is no longer dry and flaky, and his eyes don’t weep as much as they once did. He is healthy.
Chance|Douglas & Mary Bader|Adopted: 5/15/21
Chance, formerly named Blue, is checking in to let you know that he is happy in his new home. He really is a sweetheart as well as a beautiful dog. Happy Dog, Happy People, Happy Home! Thank you again Kelsey and all the staff for brining us together!
Eli|Christina Bazylewicz|Adopted: 6/23/21
Eli, formerly known as Taquito, is doing great adjusting to being the littlest of our brood. He is playing with my middle cat Zeke, and bonding with our oldest, Isaiah. One day here and they are buds already! Eli is adorable and such a blessing. We can’t love him more!
Rubi|Arm Family|Adopted: 5/05/21
We have had Rubicon (Rubi), formerly Lilac, for just over a month now. We didn’t realize how much we missed having a dog. We lost both our husky and our pit bull last year. Rubi is a pleasure to have around. She gives each of us her attention. She sleeps with my 15-year-old daughter, she plays dress up with my 9-year-old daughter, she naps with my husband and she is my constant shadow when everyone is at work and school. She goes hiking in the woods, naps on the couch, and even went Up North for Memorial Day and she was leash free on my aunt’s property. She is a blessing and we thank FAMD for her every day.
Forever Thankful, The Arm Family.
Franky|Diane Hura|Adopted: 6/15/21
We adopted Franky on June 15, 2021. He is adjusting very well and I wanted to send you some pictures. He loves running in our backyard.
Butterscotch & Sugar|Kathryn Cayton|Adopted: June of 2019 & 2021
I adopted Sparkle now named Butterscotch in June of 2019 and Inky now named Sugar on June 2, 2021. They have both brought me so much joy and happiness. Butterscotch is the sweetest but rambunctious 2-year-old while Sugar so far, has been such a sweet and loving and very curious kitten! They have already bonded and love playing tag with each other throughout the house! While Sugar is sleeping, Butterscotch will often check on her to make sure she is okay. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Butterscotch, Sugar and I! Thank you!
Koda|Katie & Connor|Adopted: 5/20/21
I just wanted to send everyone at FAMD a quick update on Koda. He has been such a good boy since the day we brought him home. He was shy and nervous at first, but watching him come out of his shell has been so rewarding and great. He now loves getting pets from us and going on walks. We even took him camping with some friends last weekend and he did so well! He has been warming up to us and we couldn’t be happier with him. Koda is so gentle and kind, truly an amazing companion. Every day he gets a little more comfortable making his personality shine through. Thanks so much to everyone who helped at FAMD. Adopting has been a wonderful experience for us and we can’t thank you enough!
Layla|Rickie Rickman|Adopted: 4/22/17
I adopted Tootles, now named Layla, in April of 2017. She has been the best companion that I could have. She has proved to be the sweetest dog ever! Layla is all about love and attention. She is now about 7 years old and still going strong. She loves her walks in the park and car rides. There is not a more appreciative dog than a shelter dog. I completely believe that she knows that she was rescued or maybe she rescued me. I am so grateful to have her!
Cookie|Sandy|Adopted: 4/30/21
I wanted to let you know that our new 14-month old puppy Cookie, (formerly Bo-Peep) is doing well and is in the process of learning manners. She loves her new forever home! She has a lot of play time outdoors and loves to run and jump. Cookie plays catch very well and brings the ball back to us. She knows her name and loves to snuggle in bed with us. She has also gained a few pounds. We are waiting for a trainer to schedule basic training classes with her. Cookie understands sit, wait (most of the time), come and does a lot of circling and pacing.
Max, Rose & Stella|Daniels Family|Adopted: 2017 & 2021
I wanted to give an update on 3 animals we have adopted from you over the years. Max (formerly Mad Hatter) was adopted in July 2017 after my 13-year-old lab passed and my younger dog Sparky was very sad and alone. Max is the best, most loving, loyal, gentle dog we have ever met. He honestly has a heart of gold and just wants love and treats. He has severe food allergies and can only eat a few different things, but he is handling it like a true champ. He loves car rides, going for a walk, napping and going camping. He is an amazing snuggle buddy. Then in 2018 my cat Zoie (formerly Trisha) we adopted from you in 2005 passed. In February 2021 after a year of our daughter begging us to adopt a cat, we adopted 2 kitten sisters. Stella, is on the back of couch (formerly Poinsettia) and Rose, in front (formerly Silverbell). The girls have settled in and love to play with the dogs and are the funniest cats I have ever had. They love water, they will come when I call their name, and sit and then lay down for treats. They play all day and night and love to snuggle together. When toys get stuck under something they go directly to my husband and stare at him and then walk him to where the toy is stuck for him to get it. Their new favorite thing is to climb in the window and watch the birds and squirrels outside. Sometimes they even let the dogs sit with them. These 4 animals were the best decision we have ever made. Thank you for all you guys do. Max, Stella, Rose, Sparky and family.
Olie|Kim Ruby|Adopted: 02/20/21
Hello! We wanted to give you an update on our furriest family member. When we first brought him home, he was very apprehensive of us. He would hide and hiss. He has come so far in so little time, it’s AMAZING! We found out he really loves to roll around, hence his new name, Rolie Polie Olie, affectionately called Olie. When he wants to be petted, he will lay down on his side and let us pet him and he has a really loud purr. He loves to eat, play with his mice, especially the ones that we have made for him, catnip, head scratches, waking up the house first thing in the morning, and meowing – he makes so many different noises! He doesn’t like to be picked up or have an empty food bowl (he knows when meal time is). He loves his cat perch and he likes to hang out on the back of the couch by the windows, so he can make new friends.
Molly|DeAnna & Joe Braem|Adopted: 4/14/21
TO ALL MY FRIENDS AT FAMD! I am so happy in my new home! My new Mama and Papa love me. They are taking good care of me. They think the way I run is funny. They like when I snore, they find it soothing – who would’ve thunk it?! I get to go for a walk every day after dinner and I get lots of treats, toys and cuddles! I have two beds, plus a couch to sleep on!!! I am livin’ the good life! I miss ALL of you very much. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my paws, for all that you did for me, AND all that you do for all the other pups (and cats too!) THANK YOU!!!!! XOXOX Molly (Puptart)
Hank|Madison Gomez|Adopted: 11/17/20
Hello! We would like to give an update on Hank! We adopted Hank from you on November 17, 2020 and since then, he has truly become part of our family. From the trips up north to the cottage, the walks around the neighborhood, and the zoomies he never fails to have around the basement. Hank has already created such great memories with us. Hank has such a big personality and he warms up to everyone and anyone he meets. Hank’s favorite things to do include chewing on his rope toys, playing outside, and meeting other animals including cats! My favorite memory of Hank is when we brought him home, we turned on the TV and Hank stared at the TV with a confused look on his face and his tail wagging for quite some time. We realized he probably had never seen or watched TV before! Since then, Hank has become used to the TV and loves to watch veterinary shows. Hank has also received a “Doggy Diploma” from PetSmart! We are so happy to have Hank and glad that he has a forever home! Thanks!
Mimzi|Caroline Landry|Adopted: 2/26/21
We wanted to check in and give you an update on how Mimzi is doing! Mimzi (we kept her shelter name) was adopted two months ago and she couldn’t be happier in her new home. Mimzi and her brother Hammond (tan & white) have become best friends. They were a little skeptical of each other at first, but now they are inseparable. They have even learned to share toys with each other! She loves spending time outside and going for walks around the neighborhood. Mimzi has claimed the spare room bed as her own and loves to sleep sprawled out on her full size bed, every night. She is very loved and fits in perfect with our family! Thank you for letting us adopt her! ♥️
Wallaby|Nadine Wolf-Zborowski|Adopted: 4/24/21
I just wanted to touch base. Wallaby is doing great! I feel he really loves it here & has wasted no time getting comfortable! I’ve found he loves to chat! He cracks me up because when I talk to him, he looks straight at me in my eyes! He returns the talk with his “chirps” & meowing! And his manners are quite polished…he hasn’t interrupted me lol. He jumps on my lap all the time, rubbing his head & precious one and one-half ears on my hands!He even had a bath and let me comb him while he rolled his chubby-kins body on his back, letting me comb his belly while he laid there like a dog! He has a wonderful disposition, so affectionate and so, so sweet! I noticed when he naps, he wants to lay close to me nearly touching me, so I took his blankets off the carpet & put them on my sectional. He likes to tend to his bakery chores “kneading” before he falls asleep! He hasn’t wanted to hide in dark corners or closets at all which is a good sign! I’ve been playing fetch with his toys you sent. He loves to run as fast as he can through the house retrieving his toys! At bedtime, he waits patiently on the pillows while I get in then plops himself between my ankles sinking into his cuddly soft blanket! I want to Thank You all for taking such great care of him while he was with you. He means the world to me! I love him dearly!
Fritz|Brian Kraemer|Adopted: 12/30/20
I just wanted to keep you updated on Mickey now named Fritz, that I adopted from you back on December 30th. When I first brought him home, he had a lot of anxiety and would be very aggressive towards everyone except me. He didn’t know how to play or know any basic commands. He seemed very sad to leave FAMD but, I am happy to say that he has very much improved and is a whole new dog! For starters he responds to his new name Fritz! He played for the first time about a week after I brought him home, and he hasn’t been aggressive in about two months now. He finally started playing with toys the other day and loves to play fetch in the backyard, even though he isn’t the best at bringing back the ball every time. He loves going to the dog park and is great with other dogs, as well as with children. He constantly receives a lot of compliments on how well-behaved he is. He is also no longer afraid of car rides or going down stairs. Fritz now knows several commands; he lays down, he stays, he comes, he can stand on his hind legs, he can shake, and he can even do an army crawl. He is also half-way to being able to roll over! He loves food except for veggies, chasing small animals, lying in the dirt, sometimes digging, cuddling, and he likes to run, especially in the snow. He loves the snow so much that one time when the snow was melting, he laid on top of the last pile of snow. Of course Fritz has a lot more progress to make, but he is improving every single day! Thank you all for making it possible for me to have found a new addition to my home, and for finding him a new home too! It means lot! He is in good hands and he seems pretty happy!
Stanley|Amy Laird|Adopted: 5/21/20
Since it is Stanley’s first birthday, I thought I’d send a picture to show you how much he has changed since I adopted him back in May. He is the sweetest, silliest, and smartest boy! I love him so much!
Holly|The Barch Family|Adopted: 12/24/2020
We officially adopted Holly, formerly known as Mary Puppins, on Christmas morning after fostering her for a few days. She gets along great with Zuzu our 11-year-old Rottie mix and loves to play, or attempt to play with our two cats. She’s a crazy bundle of energy and starts classes in March. We are so happy to have her as part of our family!
Zeva|Emily Rugenski|Adopted: 06/20/2020
I wanted to let everyone know how Zeva is doing. She was so shy when she was first adopted. The poor girl was nervous to be petted. Now she is the sweetest and goes up to people to greet them! She loves playing with all the other dogs in the local dog park too! I love her to bits!
Phoebe|Mariam Bazzi|Adopted: 02/06/21
I recently adopted Alpine who is now named Phoebe and took the cutest picture of her sunbathing and getting some morning sun that I just had to share! We love her so much!
Capone|Mica Michaud |Adopted: 02/07/21
We adopted Capone on February 7, 2021 and I wanted to give an update! He is doing so amazing! He came home and immediately claimed the couch we have set up for him in his room. We are letting him get familiar with this room before bringing him out to the rest of the house. I think we have probably spent 23 out of 24 hours in the room with him LOL! He has had no issues with eating, going potty, or giving LOTS of love!
Wanda|Ashley & Ben |Adopted: 02/05/21
My son and I adopted Guinevere now named Wanda, on February 5, 2021. She has been a wonderful addition to our family. She’s snuggly, social, and sassy! Wanda loves to cozy up with a fuzzy blanket and get her back rubbed. She’s loving all her new toys and she’s already taught our shih-tzu mix, Oscar that we adopted several years ago from FAMD, that she’s the boss. Thank you, thank you, for all your hard work and for helping folks like us find new furry friends!
Lucy|Monacelli Family|Adopted: 01/16/21
We wanted to send a quick note to thank you for all of your love and care of Sparkle, now named Lucy. We adopted her on January 16, 2021 and she is fitting in very well and quickly became family. She loves her new backyard and all the love she is getting from family and friends. Lucy is incredibly smart, already doing tricks and we cannot wait to see what else she can do. She is very loved! Also, thank you for offering a 30-day pet insurance policy with your adopted animals. This benefit sets you apart from other shelters. Thank you for all you do!
Opal & Savanna|Robin Lillibridge|Adopted: 01/12/21
I just wanted to send an update on Twigg and Rain. To say they are much loved is an understatement. My husband and I and our 3 daughters needed these girls to help welcome in 2021. As most of us have experienced, we have had a bit of trauma with 2020. Thank you FAMD for helping us complete our family. I was impressed with the care and attention the staff showed towards me and the kittens. They were so accommodating, including staying a few minutes past close to help make sure the introduction to my house went as smooth as possible soon as we drove off! The facility is beautiful, and so very clean. Twigg was renamed Opal. She fits the bill for “typical cat.” She will cuddle, and purr and play, but it has to be on her terms. Opal is “my” cat. Rain was renamed Savanna. My 8-year-old daughter claimed her as her own and chose her name because “she has stripes like zebras in Savanna.” She is for sure a floppy, “move me however you want as long as I’m with you and getting pets,” type of kitty. I want to personally thank the foster mom for raising these two sweet kittens. We have never had cats as sweet as these girls.
Sherlock|Olivia Lee|Adopted: 11/29/20
I adopted a husky named Sherlock in November and he is doing absolutely amazing! His favorite toys are balls and a pink dinosaur. He loves playing fetch and going for walks. I work at a doggy daycare and he goes to work with me every day. He has come out of his shell so much since his adoption and is no longer struggling with bad anxiety and is not nervous meeting new people anymore! Adopting him was 100% the best decision I have ever made. He is so loved!
Sandy|Maria Weathington|Adopted: 1/13/21
Hello Dearborn Animal Shelter Friends! The minute I walked in and saw Gobstopper now called Sandy, my heart melted. He looked so sad but he is such a handsome guy with a unique sandy color and very unique brown eyes. You don’t need to worry anymore because he is in a safe and loving home. The minute he got home, he walked the entire house, rubbed against my legs a few times, then fell asleep on the couch. Thank you for suggesting him! He is absolutely the best cat I’ve ever owned. He loves people, he loves attention and he’s big on affection and napping!
Salty & Peppa|Lynn Hannon|Adopted: 12/19/20
I am writing to update you on our adoption. Let me start with thank you for all that you do! My family adopted 2 kittens in December, Dasher & Dancer, now called Salty & Peppa. We are so happy that we adopted and that we adopted siblings. We cannot imagine if they were separated. They play and cuddle together constantly and it’s a circus but in the best way! While these relationships are forming and we are getting to know each other, everyone is adjusting very well. The bonds and trust seem to get stronger daily. I was concerned about allergies for myself but I am adjusting well and it’s all balancing out. They are trusting us more and more, day by day and their personalities are showing through. The boy (all black) who was shy while in the shelter, now is my cuddle buddy. Their daily life of leisure includes cuddles, receiving chin scratches, petting/kitten massages, treats, naps and of course epic kitten play battles with each other! From my first phone call in to our onsite visit, to the cleanliness of the shelter, to the volunteers who helped us (and those that didn’t) THANK YOU! Words cannot express how my heart is so full (I’m crying a bit from writing this). Just know this, these kittens are soooo loved and you are making a difference in their lives and ours! With gratitude and meows, Lynn, Dan, Alex Salty & Peppa!
Copey|Susanne|Adopted: 12/22/20
I recently adopted Pumpkin Spice now named Copey, from FAMD. Copey was cautious at first, startled by the city noises, but now she is snoring away on the couch with the best of them – tired out from being my favorite power walking buddy. FAMD trained her and loved her and then they let me take her home. I am so thankful that FAMD took such sweet care of my pup until we could be united! As a side note, I will say that I have supportive friends and neighbors. She is already getting Christmas gifts and cards addressed to both of us, LOL!
Chloe|Kari Belmore|Adopted: 11/12/20
I adopted Sprout, now named Chloe, on November 12, 2020 and after three weeks of sniffing each other through doors, lots of hissing and pawing, it’s safe to say my 8-year-old pup and 4-month old baby kitten are officially cohabitating. I honestly was worried for a bit but trusted the process and now the baby gates are down, doors are opened and have a happy, loving home for both of my sweet girls! Thank you for all of your help during the adoption process and the advice afterward. I’m thrilled I was able to rescue this sweet little girl and give her the loving home she deserves, plus a big sister that she really enjoys playing tag with – tapping her leg and running away, so adorable!
Daisy|Chris Schultz|Adopted: 09/18/20
Lucy now named Daisy, is a joy every day. We’ve had the privilege of having her three months today!
Taquito|Lindsay Elfarran|Adopted: 12/10/20
I wanted to share some photos of Taquito at his new home. It’s been exactly one week and he is reunited with his sister Fajita (who we’ve named Sugar). The kids like the name Taquito so for now, that’s what we call him. It took 48 hours for Sugar to adjust to a new visitor in the home, but Taquito doesn’t seem to be bothered one bit. He loves his cuddles, snuggles, and mostly his cardboard house! We are so glad we decided to bring him home. They are the best siblings and almost wonder if they remember one another from birth.
Rex|Elizabeth Sterling|Adopted: 10/30/20
We adopted Simba, now named Rex from you and just want to say thank you again for bringing this blessing into our lives. He is doing very well and he is spoiled!
Jack Frost|Allison Fishwick|Adopted: 12/05/20
Jack is really settling in! The first few hours were stressful. He was just nervous, but it did not take long for him to warm up to John first (John slept on the floor next to his crate!) LOL! Both nights, Jack slept through the night with no accidents! He has not had an accident in the house yet. He has marked twice, but that was the stress of the first day. He did not let us put on the cone or his band. We walk him a mile each day and he loves it. He can keep going and he walks fast – it is so cute! If we put our shoes and coats on and say, “come,” he wags his tail and starts barking because he knows he is going for a walk. He now lets us pick him up, so that’s great! Jack can jump, so we have put blankets on the couches. He is picky about the treats he eats. Our other furbaby, Archer, is quite jealous but is adjusting fine. We think he likes having a companion again. Thank you to all of you from John and I! We will keep you updated!
Chowder|Erica Morgan|Adopted: 11/11/20
I cannot thank all of you enough!!!! Chowder has adapted well as you can see. It’s barely been a week and Chowder Bob has taken over the house (his choice). He and our dog Gigi get closer every day. Gigi can’t wait for the day he decides to play with her. I will keep you all updated! Love & Hugs, Erica
Smokey|Gaynor Family|Adopted: 11/20/2019
We adopted Junior, now called Smokey, one year ago! He has had a busy year, graduated from puppy class, gone camping, had his picture painted and currently is raising money for Game on Cancer as one of the Quarantine Companions. He raised over $600! He is totally a lover, having plenty of girl dog friends! We are so thankful we were able to adopt such a nutty, loving dog. Looking forward to seeing what the coming years have in store for us!
Piglet|Caitlin & Sean McNab|Adopted: 10/24/20
We adopted Piglet from your service about 2 weeks ago now, and I thought I’d give you an update on how he is doing. He was very nervous for the first week or so but he was eating and has had no problems using his litterbox. He had a guest room to himself and we would go in and just sit reading or something while he got used to us. As he got more comfortable with us, we opened the door to let him explore the house and now he is just a bundle of joy. He is still quite jumpy if there is an unexpected noise (my husband’s computer chair is quite creaky), but he is adjusting to short cuddles. He really seems to enjoy sitting at the windows! Thank you so much for caring for him until he could come and brighten our household.
Otis|Sharon|Adopted: 08/12/20
Otis is doing very well. We are teaching him how to play and he’s found his voice too. He makes us laugh every day. We love him so much! I can’t thank you enough for him. He is a perfect fit.
Tigger|Aaron & Sue Pellerin|Adopted: 09/16/20
Back in July, my wife and I adopted a kitten from your shelter. His name was California. I just thought you might be interested to know how well he has settled into his new home. We renamed him Tigger and he is growing into a wonderful, chaotic, constantly happy little cat. We already had a dog and the two of them have become best friends. If possible, please pass our thanks on to Tigger’s foster parents. They clearly took great care of him. From the moment we got him, he was a happy, friendly, curious little guy and it was obvious how well-loved he had been. Thanks for all that you do!
Moxxi|Alexandra|Adopted: 09/16/20
I wanted to give you an update on Patti, who we adopted on Wednesday. We have renamed her Moxxi. She is doing great with leash training and is learning her name. She has met a couple new people and did well. We will slowly introduce her to more as time goes on.
She is scared of the crate. We tried putting cheese and her toys in there but she wasn’t having it. Yesterday I partially crawled in and started playing with her toys. When I backed out she ran in and grabbed a toy. I repeated this and when I went in a third time, she forced her way in the crate to get a toy while I was still in there playing. LOL! So at least she isn’t scared of the crate itself now. We will work on her going in and staying in as the next step.
She wasn’t eating much, but each day she eats more. She is going outside for potty breaks normally and we are learning the boundaries of our fenced in yard while on a leash. Moxxi sleeps well through the night and sleeps in bed with us. She splits her attention between the two of us. She loves her new toys. Moxxi is full of happiness and affection and enjoys playing and napping, playing and napping… She is experiencing some separation anxiety but we will start to work on that also. It has only been 4 days but she is still doing great and adjusting well.
Thank you for letting us adopt Moxxi. She is a joy to have in the family!
Izzy|Lindsey Olney|Adopted: 07/31/20
I just want to give an update on Freda that I adopted. Her name is Izzy now. She is so spoiled and happy and getting big! She received her rabies shot at Angel Animal Hospital in Southgate. She is a big baby and she loves kisses. She will come up and nudge my nose to get kisses. We just love her!
Roxy|Randy McGill|Adopted: 10/2005
In Memory Of Roxy:
In October, 2005, 13 years had passed since our dog of 17 years had died and we felt comfortable looking for another dog. My wife saw this picture in the Dearborn Press & Guide’s Pet of the Week. She said it reminded her of Muffin, our former dog. So we went to meet the dog at the old Dearborn Animals Shelter. My wife liked the dog but it barked constantly at me so I was not impressed. At my wife’s urging, I went back a couple days later to see the dog again. Her fur was so nice and soft and she seemed to have this sad aura about her and it haunted me throughout that night, so I decided to go back and adopt her. Roxy died August 27, 2020 in Las Vegas after 15 magical years as a part of our family. She loved us all so fiercely and was our protector. She loved her belly rubs, chasing flashlights, squeaky tennis balls, going on long road trips, and giving dad kisses. She was always so curious and hated strangers. And when she welcomed someone home, it was not just her tail that wagged, but her entire back half of her body. She was such a good dog and we miss her so much. Thank you for putting this picture in the paper many years ago and allowing us to adopt her.
Taco|Lauren Monsanty| Adopted: 08/07/20
We adopted Cicero last Friday, and I just wanted to tell you thank you for allowing us to adopt him. He has brought us nothing but joy since he stepped into our lives. He is picking up on the potty training wonderfully, only had 2 accidents (both in the first 24 hours). He is also picking up on the crate training, and he’s learned how to sit. After much debate, we changed his name to Taco. Taco is a neighborhood celebrity, all of our neighbors love saying hello to him on walks! Thank you so much for all you do!
Belle|Joyce Paul| Adopted: 03/19/20
I adopted LuLu on March 19, 2020 and she was renamed by my sister to Belle! I was told she had been returned to the shelter twice. The first time after having lived with her owner for a year due to allergies. She is such a nice and fun girl and she now has her forever home! I am grateful to Friends for caring for her! Warm regards.
Annie|Chrystina James| Adopted: 08/04/20
My husband and I adopted Millie, now called Annie, last week and we just wanted to let you know that she’s doing great! She’s settled in well, she loves playing fetch in the yard and going for walks, and she’s not really sure what to make of the cat, ha-ha! Thanks for taking such good care of her and for choosing us to be her family!
Bella|| Adopted: 1/10/20
Hi! My name is Bella. At FAMD, I was known as Cherry Seaborn. I was adopted by my new family this past winter and I love my new home! When I was adopted, I was having skin issues caused by a flea allergy. With my veterinarian’s help, I now have a beautiful blue brindle coat. Everyone in the neighborhood compliments me on how beautiful I am (even the furniture movers helping the neighbors next door!) My family and I have walked many miles in our neighborhood this summer. I love to sleep on the couch in the evenings while my family watches TV. I have recently learned to shake hands (paws) on command. Thanks FAMD for helping me find a home!
Ezra|Allana Merriwether| Adopted: 02/27/20
Diesel now called Ezra, is a joy to have! He loves cuddles, short walks, destroyer of all fluffy toys, loves his “auntie,” grandma’s dog Alaia. They are BFF’s! Ezra said, “I absolutely adore my mom’s tiny human brother. He is my favorite human and I am the biggest, gentlest boy with him!”
Molly|Emily Keyser| Adopted: 6/23/20
I am absolutely in love with her! I renamed her sweet self to little, miss Molly! She’s definitely starting to get comfortable! For now, she loves to sleep under my blanket. She’s yet to meet my other fur babies, but we’re taking it as slow as she needs. She loves the rest of my family and we love her! She is so precious! Molly definitely does have the cutest, chirpiest meow – she is very talkative. I will keep updating you all! I appreciate and thank you for letting me adopt her!
Harper|Allison Smith| Adopted: 09/12/2017
It’s been awhile since I last updated you so I wanted to share a photo of Harper with her little sister Quinn! Harper continues to be the best dog in the world. She is protective of her sister (in just the right ways), is SO patient with her, and has assumed duty of high chair cleanup!
Jazmine|Wanda Rollins| Adopted: 01/07/20
I adopted Tic Toc, now called Jazmine, in January. She is quiet and likes to be left alone, but she will let you know when she’s hungry. When she needs something, she likes to have her head rubbed. If you rub her somewhere else, she’ll take her paw and move your hand. I love her so. Thank you.
Poncho|Koreena Rossetti| Adopted: 06/05/2019
I adopted 12-year old Poncho a year ago. He has been a shining light in my life! Being able to give this precious boy a forever home for however long he has left, brings me so much happiness. After a horrendous loss in my life due to suicide in February of 2019, I felt so lost. One day I was looking at the shelter’s website and saw Poncho. I knew instantly that I needed him in my life, so I went the very next day and brought him home. I took him to the vet and found out that his very bad teeth had led to a heart murmur that will probably lessen his time with me. I’m single and don’t have a lot of money but I have plenty of love to give him. Poncho has helped me center my life again and I’m pretty sure I needed him more than he needed me. I take him everywhere with me. We have had so many adventures together. His latest adventure has been kayaking. I call him my first mate. For me, adopting a senior dog and knowing that all I can do for him is love him for however long he has left, has made me realize that life is only what you make it and for Poncho and I, we are making this life the best we can! Thank you FAMD!
Odin|Tom & Cindy B.| Adopted: 06/23/2020
The picture is of Remi, now called T. Hewitt Edward Catastrophe (Odin), with one of his three K-9 buds Lexie. He needed a big fancy name to hang with his Brittany dog friends, Southpaw Princess Alexis Renee (Lexie), Southpaw’s Little Allie Kat (Allison), and Southpaw’s Classic Chance of a Lifetime (Chance). He is still working on getting used to our other cat Elsa Mia Boo, but he is doing pretty good for just being home a week.
Tigger|Barlett Family| Adopted: 06/13/2013
7 Years ago this week we adopted Fabio now named Tigger. He was in your shelter for 8 long months. How all those people passed up this amazing dog just shocks me. He is by far one of the smartest, well adjusted, best dogs we have ever had. Tigger had to have TPLO surgery last year at the Flint Animal surgical center. Then last month he had to have a tumor removed off his eyelid in Westland. He handled all very well, he is healthy, happy and acts like a puppy again. I have attached some pics of him. He LOVES going up north and riding quads and buggies – his absolute favorite thing to do. He barks at us all day long to take him for rides up north. He loves his sister Precious that we got 5 years ago from Detroit Pit Crew. He’s a cuddler and so super smart, and always wants to be under the covers or touching us. He is spoiled and knows it/demands it!
Anyway…just wanted to let anyone that remembers him know – he is doing fabulous and is sooo super loved!
Thank you for trusting us with our fur baby.
Persephone (Persi)|Amelia Costea| Adopted: 05-27-20
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know how Claribel has been doing. Tomorrow is the official two-week mark! To celebrate, we decided to try a new name – Persephone, Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of spring! Most of the time she only responds to Persi though.
We are finally starting to fall into a routine. She even willingly crates herself in the morning before I go to work! She’s met a few of the neighborhood dogs and since I’ve started letting her “choose” where we take our walks, she seems much more comfortable in the neighborhood. She loves car rides (as long as she has her doggy seat belt), and big open areas, especially the park right next to my house. Her favorite thing is to just zoom around in the baseball field.
The leash training advice really has been helping. She only really pulls now if she sees a cat or squirrel that she wants to chase around. We’re trying really hard to work on “stay” because she always tries to sprint out the door with me anytime I need to take out the trash or pop out to the car, but she has yet to succeed.
Stanley|Amy Laird| Adopted: 05/21/20
I wanted to check in and let you know that Yeti, now called Stanley, is doing very well! He and his big brother Oscar became instant best buddies. They wrestle and play all day until they both pass out and nap together. The cuteness is too much sometimes! Stanley is the sweetest and silliest little guy. We absolutely adore him! Thank you for everything you do!
Mr. Kitty|Donna Jones| Adopted: 03/29/2018
We adopted Mr. Kitty from your shelter about 2 years ago. We just wanted to let you know that he is happy, healthy, and likes to play with his big brother and he started taking care of a 4-week old stray kitten that we rescued 2 weeks after we brought him home. He has bonded with Fidget (kitten) and will search her out to bathe her, or just to check to see where she is. He is our big beautiful boy!
Dazzle| Nicole Gray| Adopted: 09/10/19
We wanted to send you a recent picture of Jinkies now named Dazzle. She is very friendly, playful and loves playing with the other cats.
Gracie| Lia Fabbri| Adopted: 06-22-19
We adopted Gracie, formerly known as Ladybug, in June of 2019. We just passed 6 months with our Gracie girl and truly couldn’t be happier. She is a sweet, silly, joyful little lady who loves to cuddle, chew Nylabones, and go on walks. She is currently in her 3rd round of obedience school at a facility where they also train police dogs! We are working up to getting her to follow commands with just hand signals, no verbal, and do things like stay for extended periods of time off-leash. Gracie has brought us so much happiness since adopting her, and we feel very lucky to be her family. A few weeks ago we got a puppy named Archie. They are BFF’s! Thank you for all you do, especially in these challenging times.
Kovu| Sydney Mathews| Adopted: 01-10-20
Just wanted to share an update on an adoption gone right! I adopted Kovu, formerly known as Obi-Wan, in January. here he is now. He is very vocal and playful. His favorite spot is in front of the heater, closest to the front door.
Big Ben| Leibengood Family| Adopted: 11/15/19
This is an update regarding our senior dog, Kordo, now named “Big Ben.” We adopted him on Nov. 15, 2019. Big Ben is a blessing for our family, more than we expected or thought possible. Since we lost our other best buddy, 11-year-old Radar in January 2019, our lone dog, Rocky has looked very destitute and uninterested in doing much of anything.
The first time I saw this old, overweight, brown, goofy-looking dog at the Dearborn Animal Shelter, he looked a little sad and beaten down. Kordo wagged his tail faintly when I spoke to him. I left that day and thought about the big brown dog. It bothered me to leave him there so I asked if I could bring everyone back to meet him. After two more meetings with Kordo, we adopted him into our home. We changed his name to Big Ben. Rocky and he seemed to like each other and I hoped that in some way he would be able to help Rocky.
Well, he has done way more than that. He is the most loving, cuddly, well-behaved and sweet dog ever. With Big Ben’s company, Rocky is almost his old self again. Big Ben is playful – the life of the party! He boogies down and up the staircase like I’ve never seen before, and he has this overflowing enthusiasm about him. And he brings us so much happiness. He is so attentive to everyone in the family and I think he mostly likes having a little kid, our four-year-old boy, to play with! He runs and jumps in the snow and fetches tennis balls like there is no tomorrow!
I had no idea that a so called senior dog would warm up our home so much. Big Ben sleeps right outside our son’s door and waits for him to get up. Seems like he has to make sure we are all present and accounted for. Big Ben is so cuddly and gentle, and he is also very respectful of Rocky’s toys and his sleeping space. He seems to understand. And my husband just adores our new pet.
Big Ben seems to be very happy with us. He loves to go for walks and he’s lost a bit more weight. I think sometimes he must miss his people from his last home. I would too. Someone took very good care of him, and we will take care of him for the rest of his life. I hope that more people find out how much a senior dog can light up their life. We are in awe and very fortunate to have this sweet companion in our home. I hope they all get good homes.
Jersey Blue| Jeff & Hillery Weiler| Adopted: 03/03/20
We adopted Jersey, formerly Cheyenne, on March 3, 2020 and she is spoiled and loving it! She has assimilated to our schedule and hasn’t had an accident in the house for over a week! We think she is getting the hang of it. She loves her morning and evening walks, nose to the ground, LOL! She visited the local dog park last week and got some tennis ball play in, which she loved. She loves squeaker toys, balls, and laying in the cat’s bed. She and the cat are doing fine, not pals, but not trying to kill each other. If it was up to Jersey, they would be pals, but Queen feels otherwise. Thank you for all you do at the shelter and for a smooth adoption process.
Chewie Bacca| Beth Wronikowski | Adopted: 2/25/20
I just wanted to say thank you! Chewie, formerly known as Bud, has transitioned to our home unbelievably well. Max, also adopted from FAMD, is being a great big brother. He has brought lots of smiles over here and he is loved by all!
Mikko| Janice Rushman | Adopted: 11/13/19
Mikko is timid still. He hides whenever visitors are here and is not sure yet of the other person in our home. He needs to make the first move. His personality is becoming more evident. He is vocal in telling me about new discoveries he makes in the house and periodically he leads me on a tour of the house making little “comments” as he goes. He enjoys charging through the house in search of who knows what. He really is a very sweet boy and we are happy to share our home with him.
Kismet| Dana | Adopted: 12/03/19
Just wanted to express my gratitude to your shelter for my recent adoption. My best friend of 14 years had passed from cancer in November. He was the type of cat that instinctively knew how to make my days brighter through any situation. I was devastated, and the upcoming holidays seemed all the more difficult. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving I met Polar at the Taylor PetSmart. I wasn’t planning on adopting another so soon, but there was an instant connection to her curious gaze. She came home with me on December 3rd and I know she was meant to be in my life. Her new name is Kismet and she’s amazing – so full of love. Thank you again for the excellent care you provide to these animals that bring so much joy to us adopters!
Finn| Finn’s Adopted Family | Adopted: 12/14/19
There is so much I can say about this little pup. I have heard it many times about how “shelter” dogs were the best and I never realized until I met Finn. He hugs us all, all of the time. When he does this hug, he whimpers and smiles with so much gratitude. I was a bit worried because I don’t or didn’t know his background and his full story but when we got him home, he was a happy pup. I have him in a crate when I leave for work and while we were told he wasn’t great with this, he is AMAZING. I was going to zip tie his crate but come to find out, he loves it. That is where he goes when he’s feeling a little off or scared. There was some trauma Finn faced, no doubt in my mind, but we are working through it and he is learning to trust us all. I have 3 children and 3 cats and Finn adapted well. The cats are still mean to him but Finn is learning his boundaries. We had a few issues when he first came home. We learned really quick he likes to roll in the backyard in whatever he can find, so we had lots of baths the first two weeks. He also got into all the presents under the Christmas tree, but these were moments we as a family learned he’s still young and learning. No yelling happened, and thankfully nothing was too damaged. Finn has brought so much joy to my house. I do driving for part time work and he’s by my side loving it! He loves to play tug a war with his ropes, loves peanut butter and plays fetch so well. I honestly can’t imagine life without my new fur baby. While they say we rescued them, I truly believe he is rescuing me!!! He is my new sleeping buddy since he came home and situations changed. He has licked my tears and made me smile. Finn, we adore you and are forever grateful for Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit for finding us our missing link. With love, Finn’s New Family!
Klondike|Janel Caires |Adopted: 12/19/19
Hello Friends! My name use to be Klondike but my new mom changed my name to Kai. I am a good boy and doing pretty good in my new home. I love my mom and my two boys. Yesterday I went to the dog doctor at VCA Garden City and all the people there were my friends. I love my doctor. I miss all my friends at the shelter but I am A-OK and being a good boy! Love Kai
Hank| Denise Kort | Adopted: 9/24/19
We adopted Harvey now called Hank, in September. I just wanted to let you know that Hank is doing great! He did go to obedience classes one day a week for 6 weeks. We are getting along nicely. He does go to doggy daycare pretty much every day when I’m at work. We should all have Hank’s life!
Maise Elaine | Amanda & Ryan | Adopted: 12/27/18
We adopted Maisie Elaine, formerly Chloe, one year ago today and it’s been quite an adventurous year. She is name after Mrs. Maisel and Elaine from Seinfeld (since she jumps in the air like a kangaroo and pushes you with her paws – “get out”). We were informed by FAMD staff that we were at least her third home, but we were determined to be her last. She’s the sweetest dog. She loves kids, ripping toys, walks and giving kisses. She also travels really well and loves the car! She had a lot of challenges this year with separation anxiety, but lots of love and a good behaviorist has helped her adapt and feel more at home. We are so grateful to FAMD for taking care of her until we found our way to her. She’s only been with us a year but she feels like the missing piece in our family!
Sue Ellen|Rose Herman| Adopted: 11/12/19
We adopted Sue Ellen, formerly named Suzie, in November. She is a wonderful, lovable kitten. She has brought such joy to us and we are glad she found us! She was well taken care of at FAMD. Thank you for keeping her and loving her until she found her forever home!
Roux|Valerie Hajec | Adopted: 10/17/19
Roux, formerly known as Venitia, is playful and cuddly when tired. Her favorite activities are jumping, playing with string toys and looking out the window. She loves attacking our feet. Roux and our 18-month old daughter are best friends. Our daughter says, “awe kitty,” every time she sees her.
August|Guenter Family| Adopted: 10/29/19
We just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you for Augustus. We adopted him a month ago and he is so loved and the best dog! Thank you FAMD for adding him to our family!
Hendrix | Lauren & Jacob | Adopted: 9/12/19
We couldn’t be happier with our decision to adopt Hendrix! He is such a lover and a goof all in one! He has no understanding of personal space and is the biggest baby. He loves playing with his best friend Henry, the black pup that was next to Hendrix at the shelter. Henry was adopted by our best friends so they get to play all the time! Hendrix is the biggest bed hog and snores like a pig, but wouldn’t change anything about him! Thank you Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit!
JK| Brian Burns | Adopted: 7/30/19
I just wanted to let you all know that JK has adapted to his new home in amazing fashion! Eating and drinking withing 10 minutes then 30 minutes later, passed out in the middle of the kitchen floor! Thank you all so much for taking such good care of him until I arrived.
Breck| Clark & Carley Richardson | Adopted: 5/03/19
Breck, formerly Otis, has been amazing with all of our cats and dogs. He loves attention from anyone, including kids, whenever we take him out and about with us. He loves playing with Apex our Lab mix and cuddling his cat friends!
Bee| Clark & Margaret Baker | Adopted: 7/31/19
Lenora now named Bee, was one of the Shih tzu’s rescued from a hording situation. She is absolutely amazing and we love her so much!
Cozy| Nicole Walker | Adopted: 4/12/19
Cozy is absolutely adorable, fabulous, who loves, loves the laser! Since he’s been here, he’s helped me with my depression, sadness and has helped my state of mind. He is a very loving animal. I can’t thank you all enough for this new beginning of our lives. Sometimes he’s standoffish, or scared (not really sure of his background), but we continue to love on him, always. Thank you all all again. I love your program.
Bianca| Vera | Adopted: 4/01/19
Hi! My name is Bianca. I am about one years old. I was adopted from FAMD and now live with my new family in Wayne City. My new family is not a big family and they are very kind and friendly people. My mom cooks special dishes for me; a beef in savory gravy and chicken liver with vegetables are my favorite food. My sister is a pretty busy lady but I can take a nap at her knees every evening. Sometimes I can hear compliments for me from my dad although he is a serious person. I think they love me because they take good care of me and buy me lots of toys. I like catching a mouse or a rope cause it is a very funny game for me. I have a new hobby of watching birds through the window. I love my new family. I am very lucky and happy cat! We love our Bianca very much and happy to take care of her. Thanks to all the staff at FAMD!
Pumpkin| Sam Buischell | Adopted: 5/04/19
Pumpkin is totally happy all the time. She is house trained and loves to play and cuddle. She has not been in a crate or cage and has not damaged anything ever. Pumpkin loves to play fetch and play with her brother Freddie. They play for hours (likes to wrestle) then they take a nap together.
Lily| Alicia Smith | Adopted: 9/2017
Lily formerly named Starla, was adopted when she was a puppy. She is an amazing and great fit for our family. I just wanted to let you all know that she is doing well and in great health. Thank you all so much for letting my family adopt her!
Basha| Mirta Munoz | Adopted: 4/10/19
Basha is the friendliest, sweetest cat I have ever owned. She has been such a lover with everyone who has met her including my grand kids. I let her out of her room after a week and she became very comfortable around my puppy and on my jacket! LOL! So far, so good. Thank you all for letting me bring her home.
Benson| Ashley | Adopted: 5/04/19
Benson formerly Harmony, is a bit more feisty with his brothers but he likes to wrestle with them. He is still very cuddly to his human mom!
Zena & Jackson| Alina Thomas-Carrillo | Adopted: 6/14/19
Not even two weeks with Zena (formerly Maisy) and we can’t imagine our lives without her. She’s for sure curious about everything but her big brother Jackson has been showing her the ropes. She enjoys shopping at Petco, going to the dog park, getting the zoomies in the backyard and playing with her toys until she falls asleep. The potty training is going well and she already knows sit, stay and lay down. Thank you so much for now giving us two of the most amazing dogs ever!
Genie| Randy Morgan | Adopted: 6/07/19
I want to say thank you to everyone for understanding the limits of Calvin, the dog who we already had, and being able to work with us. All the kindness, encouragement, and support was motivating and my love continues to grow for each and their unique qualities. Johnny now called Genie, came mostly house broken and has been learning not to mouth people. Genie is very loved and well adjusted. Now Genie has a few words to say:
I have adopted a family and made a new friend! My goodness it was exciting! I took them to buy some of my favorite things like chew toys, rope and stuffed animals. There is an endless supply of treats and cuddles. I did eat some of the furniture and the humans did not like that so instead, we play hide-n-go seek with my food. These people call me things like “spoiled,” “pretty lady,” and “little girl.” There is Calvin who is a big dog and we play all the time. I learn lots from him like sit, stay, down, out, outside, off, come and house. We play tag and help roll each other on the floor. Calvin even taught me this new game called fetch. I do not like it so much but he sure does so I play it with him. We have all the space in the world to run and it’s great! Outside is the best place to be. Calvin likes this thing called a hose and I think it is the worst thing ever. Water and I only get along when it is in puddle form. I am very happy with my new life. Thank you for helping me to become the best dog I can be. I would not be here without all of your love and support. Paws! Genie
Julius| Judith Sames | Adopted: 1/22/16
Julius formerly known as Goober is a Great Dane mix. He came home to two other large dogs and established his place in the picking order. (He is back end security). Loving food of all kinds, Julius doubled his weight within a few months. Julius size is intimidating, but deep down he is a “scaredy dog.” He is afraid of loud noises and thunder. He is very sensitive and gets upset if someone is yelling. His sensitivity leads me to think he is truly a therapy dog. When I broke my ankle in the backyard, he laid by my side until EMS arrived. While I was recovering I was having a meltdown in the wheelchair. I was crying and Julius jumped up, hugged me by putting his front leg around shoulders, pressed his head against my cheek consoling me! Julius is out of the mischievous phase of eating non-food items. He loves all kinds of food including fruit and veggies. Julius is loving, affectionate and loves to climb on our lap and snuggle. Thank you Dearborn Animal Shelter! We got quite a deal!
Buddy|Bob Franks | Adopted: 8/15/19
Adopting Buddy was the best decision ever! He loves to play with all kinds of toys. Welcome home Buddy!
Odin|Meilissa Schrader | Adopted: 5/03/19
Chocolate now called Odin, is officially part of our tribe. We adopted him when he was a little 10-week old pup and is now 9-months old! He is very affectionate, playful and somewhat mischievous although he seems to be maturing these last couple of weeks. Some of his favorite things are chasing fireflies in the summer, playing with his 3-year-old human, giving cuddles to his mama and now prancing in the snow. Although raising a human and a puppy was challenging at times, it sure is worth it. Odin has changed our lives for the better and we all love him very much!