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Doggy Day Out
Doggy Day Out
To sign up for the Doggy Day Out program, please fill out the form below.
Doggy Day Out Sign Up
Doggy Day Out Sign Up Form
First Name
First Name
Last Name
Last Name
Drivers License Number
Drivers License Number
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Email Address
Email Address
Cell Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Home Phone Number
Home Phone Number
What is your level of experience?
Never owned a dog
Owned a dog but have not completed obedience training
Have completed basic obedience training with a dog
Have completed intermediate training with a dog
What type of outings do you plan on having?
Trips to your home
Hikes/Local Parks
If you are planning on bringing a dog to your home, what type of home (apartment or house) and do you have a fenced in yard?
If you are planning on bringing a dog to your home, what type of home (apartment or house) and do you have a fenced in yard?
Home Environment
Other Adults 18+
Just Me
Please List the Number of Cats and Dogs and the Ages of Any Children
Please List the Number of Cats and Dogs and the Ages of Any Children
Days of the Week Available
Dog Size/Weight Preference
Dog Energy Level Preference
Dog Behavior Preference
Needed Items
Doggy Seatbelt
Please list the people who will be joining you, if any. If there are any children in your party, please list their ages.
Please list the people who will be joining you, if any. If there are any children in your party, please list their ages.
Any additional information we should know?
Any additional information we should know?
Thank you for your interest in Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit Doggy Day Out program. Doggy Day Out is a unique program that allows volunteers to take shelter dogs for a day-long outing. By participating in the Doggy Day Out program, I agree to the following:
I understand that volunteering with Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit may require me to come in contact with animals, and that there are risks associated with my volunteer activities, including but not limited to dog bites and/or scratches. I assume the risks and accept personal liability for any damages that might occur as a result of my volunteer activities. I HEREBY IRREVOCABLY RELEASE FRIENDS FOR ANIMALS OF METRO DETROIT, AND (2) ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND VOLUNTEERS (collectively referred to as “Released Parties”) FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS I MAY HAVE, OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ACCRUE TO ME, AGAINST RELEASED PARTIES FOR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, AND ALL PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS, ARISING OUT OF MY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY WITH FRIENDS FOR ANIMALS OF METRO DETROIT.
I hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Released Parties harmless from any and all liability, losses, damages, judgments, or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, that the Released Parties may sustain in connection with any third party claims that arise out of my volunteer activities, whether such volunteer activities occur on Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit ’s premises, at my home, or elsewhere. I UNDERSTAND THAT FRIENDS FOR ANIMALS OF METRO DETROIT DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR OR OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OR OTHER ASSISTANCE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MEDICAL, HEALTH, OR DISABILITY INSURANCE OF ANY NATURE IN THE EVENT OF MY INJURY, ILLNESS, OR DEATH, OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF MY PROPERTY. I UNDERSTAND THAT FRIENDS FOR ANIMALS OF METRO DETROIT DOES NOT PROVIDE WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR VOLUNTEERS. AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVER ANY CLAIM FOR COMPENSATION OR LIABILITY ON THE PART OF FRIENDS FOR ANIMALS OF METRO DETROIT IN THE EVENT OF ANY INJURY OR MEDICAL EXPENSE. I agree that if I volunteer to transport any Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit animal(s) in my personal vehicle for any purpose, I will 1) maintain at least the state-required minimum amounts of automobile insurance on the vehicle, and 2) release, indemnify and hold the Released Parties harmless from any claims arising from and/or related in any way to such animal’s presence in my vehicle. I acknowledge and understand that I am a volunteer of Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit. I am not eligible for Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit’s Workers’ Compensation or any other type of compensation or employee benefit in connection with my volunteer activities. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older. I have received and read Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit’s current version of the Doggy Day Out Manual and agree to abide by its requirements and guidelines. Further, I specifically agree to the following:
To care for and treat humanely any dog given to me.
To keep the dog's collar with tag and the leash on at all times.
Do not have the shelter dog share a car with any dog.
To use reasonable care to ensure the safety and well-being of the dog in my care, the safety of other dogs, and the people the dog comes into contact with.
To contact Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit if the dog exhibits symptoms that indicate a serious condition. Please see Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit’s Doggy Day Out Manual for examples of potential emergencies.
To keep the dog under my direct supervision at all times during the volunteer activity.
To immediately notify Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit in the event of a missing or injured dog, if the dog bites any person or animal, or any other injury or accident that I witness or experience resulting from my volunteer activities.
That all dogs are the property of Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit and shall not be sold, given away, or adopted out without prior approval of Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit’s authorized personnel.
To provide any change of my personal information, such as name, address, or phone number.
I understand that this Doggy Day Out Volunteer Agreement and Release is binding on my heirs, assigns and legal representatives. This Doggy Day Out Volunteer Agreement and Release form is executed by me voluntarily and without reliance upon any representation by any person. By clicking submit below, I acknowledge and represent that I have read and understood the foregoing release, sign it voluntarily, and agree to the indemnity and waiver of liability above.
Donate today and an animal will thank you tomorrow.
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