FREE Microchip & Vaccine Clinic

Here at Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit, we believe in ensuring the health and safety of all the animals in our community. That is why we are thrilled to announce a free vaccine and microchipping clinic for Detroit and Dearborn Residents and their furry friends.
Our first clinic will be held on Sunday, November 21 at our MaryAnn Wright Animal Adoption and Education Center located at 16121 Reckinger Road, behind the Dearborn Police Station. The clinic will run from 10am – 2pm, and no pre-registration is necessary. Families will be taken on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
We will be offering:
Rabies Vaccine
Dog Licenses
Registered Microchips
Thank you to our sponsors Petco Love, Michigan Animal Health Fund, Dog Aide, Dr. Dizik, The City of Dearborn, and Michigan Humane who have partnered to help us put on this clinic. We appreciate their generous support so very much!


Donate today and an animal will thank you tomorrow.

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