In this documentary, an adventurous photographer attempts to outrun her beloved dog’s death and stumbles into the haunting childhood memories of her dying father. Facing the painful decision on how to handle the dog’s life, she must reconcile her fear of death and herself learn how to sit, stay, and heal.
“GOODBOY” is a poignant and deeply personal exploration of the bonds that tie us to our loved ones, both human and animal, and the ways in which we must learn to navigate our cultural deep-seated fear of death and dying.
This fundraiser and vulnerable experience is to put a spotlight on a topic most of us never want to talk about, the loss of a loved one, the grief we experience, and learning to let go.
Individual tickets cost $30 to attend the showing of GOODBOY, which includes a small popcorn and drink, and a panel of guests to follow to have a substantive and vulnerable discussion on loss which includes the Director herself, Ashley Mosher.
Panelists also include:
Tracey Walker: Death doula, Let It Be
Blue Dog Counseling: Specialists in pet loss grief
What: GOODBOY Film Screening Fundraiser
Where: Phoenix Theatres State Wayne, 35310 W Michigan Ave, Wayne
When: Sunday, November 10, 2024 | 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
To become a sponsor, please contact Nova
or 313-943-2697 ext. 1019 with any questions.
*** This sponsorship package can be customized to fit your individual business needs