FAMD Announces first “Read to Rover” Scholastic Book Fair
January 30th, 2023
The FAMD will host their first book fair Wednesday, March 22 – Sunday, March 26 at the Maryann Wright Animal Adoption & Education Center at 16121 Reckinger Rd. Dearborn, MI 48216.
“When April Morton (reporter, WDIV Local 4) from the news was here to film the Read to Rover special, we spent some time chatting about how she would like to come back in March because March is “Reading Month.” Some of the parents have also been mentioning having some sort of Read to Rover event or partnership, so we did some research and reached out to Scholastic. We figured we had an excellent space to host a book fair right here…” says Aubrey Cherry, FAMD Volunteer Coordinator & Programs Manager.
“The main goal of this event is community engagement, promotion for FAMD, and networking. We want to draw more kids and schools in and get involved in future programs. We also want people to come to the building who may have not been here before.”
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our Online Book Fair or sponsor books for children. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our organization.
To learn more and get started with online shopping, visit our Book Fair homepage.
And to make your shopping experience super-simple, we have…drumroll…eWallet. A Book Fair eWallet is a cash-free, stress-free way for parents, grandparents, friends, and supporters to contribute to our Book Fair—from wherever you are—right from their phone or computer. And with that extra boost from eWallet you get to fill your shelves with MORE of the books YOU
want, and earn rewards for FAMD while you do it (GO YOU!).
Create your own eWallet or contribute directly to the FAMD Youth Programs eWallet.