
FAMD Takes in 11 Shih Tzus from Dearborn Home

April 13th, 2022

On Monday April 11, the city of Dearborn received a call that a Dearborn resident had numerous Shih Tzus living in their home who were not receiving proper care. Dearborn Animal Control and Police officers removed the dogs from the home, and they are now in the care of FAMD. The dogs are between 2 weeks only and 2 years old, and the majority need some veterinary care and grooming. We are working to get all of the dogs what they need to be placed up for adoption. Anyone interested in adopting one of these dogs can go to our website ( and fill out an adoption questionnaire.

Consideration will be given in the order in which the questionnaires are received. At this time, we are asking for monetary donation to their care. If you would like to contribute, you can do so online at

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