Hope’s Heroes

It’s All About “Hope”

Hope’s Heroes provides for dogs and cats who come to our shelter with very special needs. Your Hope’s Hero gift covers the vital medical care for these animals—including comprehensive medical tests, surgery, medication, and rehabilitation.

Yes! I want to provide hope for rescues with special needs.

The Original Hope

Hope is the spokes-dog for Hope’s Heroes. Rescued from a cat-hoarding home in Dearborn, this beautiful, brown-eyed girl had obviously not been treated by a veterinarian for some time. Upon evaluation, we discovered she had a mouth full of rotten teeth, multiple tumors, and enlarged lymph glands. After numerous dental procedures, surgeries, and medication maintenance, Hope recovered wonderfully. At the age of 11, she was adopted by her forever family and lived out her life at peace.

Donate today and an animal will thank you tomorrow.

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