Lost Pet Info

What To Do If You Lose A Pet

  1.  Immediately put a dish of your pet’s food on your porch, as well as a favorite item (such as a blanket or a toy) so they can follow the scent home. This should also keep them from straying very far. Refill the dish if the food disappears.
  2. Search immediately! Most animals do not stray far during the first hours of getting lost. Call your pet’s name often and loudly. Ask people on the street if they have seen your pet. Give them your phone number in case they do. Most animals become very frightened and will hide. Actively search your property and the surrounding area; don’t assume they will come to you immediately. You can also ask your neighbors to keep an eye out for you.
  3. Post a notice on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Nextdoor, for example) with a picture of your pet, sex, date last seen, and the location (cross streets, city, state) where the pet was lost, along with any other information that will help identify the pet. You can also post a lost report on our website here, For the Love of Louie – Michigan Lost Pet Lookers Facebook group, PawBoost, The Center for Lost Pets, and Lost Pet USA. You might try to see if your neighborhood or city has a group on Facebook to post in as well.
  4. Make flyers with “LOST CAT/DOG” in big bold letters so it can be read by passersby. Include a brief description, a photo and your phone number. Post fliers in the surrounding areas, at local vet offices, pet stores and other areas of business. Consider offering a reward, but take caution when meeting a person claiming to have your pet. If possible, take along a friend and always arrange to meet in a highly visible, public place.
  5. Visit local animal shelters to see if your pet has been brought in, and to see if a “found” report of a pet who matches the description of yours has been submitted. Visit shelters every day for possible updates. Since descriptions of animals can differ from person to person, it is important for someone who knows the pet to check the shelters. If the shelter is closed, contact the local police to inform them of your loss. The number for the Dearborn Police is 313-943-2240.
  6. Set a humane trap if your lost pet is small enough to go into a trap. They are available online, or you can rent one from your local shelter. Bait the trap with your pet’s favorite food. Put a favorite blanket or toy in the trap, as your pet will be comforted by their own scent. Check the trap often. Some animals panic once they are in a trap, and you don’t want your pet to hurt themselves. If you catch your pet, take the entire trap inside and then free your pet, otherwise your frighted pet may escape again. If you catch a cat or dog that is not yours, please take them in the trap to your local shelter. If you catch wildlife, carefully open the trap and release them.
  7. Contact local newspapers to run a “lost pet ad.” Most papers will run at least one ad for free. Watch the “found” ads as well.

Don’t give up hope! Keep checking the local shelters and searching the neighborhood. Sometimes it takes a while, but we’ve reunited dogs with owners after weeks and cats with their families after months!

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