
Michigan Ford Dealer Shares Passion for Animals

November 11th, 2020

FAMD Board Member Julie Walker was featured in Ford’s Online Newsletter for her work with FAMD and for participating in our Paws and Pajamas event.

Julie Walker, president, Fairlane Ford in Dearborn, Michigan, is an animal lover, philanthropist and long-time supporter of animal rescues. Today, Walker is a member of the Board of Directors of the Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit Animal Adoption Center in Dearborn, Michigan and is currently participating in their Paws and Pajamas fundraiser.

For the event, local celebrities and business leaders were asked to spend an evening at the animal adoption and education center caring for a rescue pup and promoting them on their social media channels. Each participant was charged with raising $5,000, with the ultimate goal of raising $50,000 total. As of writing this story, Walker had raised $4,985.

You can view the whole article here.

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