Thanks for your interest in our Scout Program!
Friends for Animals is excited to partner with numerous scout troops and schools in our community! Please read the following information carefully.
Friends for Animals is available to host Scout troops on most Wednesday evenings from 4:30 – 6 p.m. Please email to inquire about the possibility of a different date/time.We are unable to offer afternoon sessions at this time.
Sessions are 90 minutes long and include a tour, short presentation, and activity. Animals will always be involved, but a hands on meet and greet is not guaranteed.
All participants will receive an animal-themed badge.
Max group size is 15 people, including chaperones.
We ask for a donation of $10 per person. We can accept cash or check.
There is a flat fee of $150 for Friends for Animals to visit one of your scheduled meetings for a 60-minute presentation with an animal. Please email to inquire.
You do NOT need to sign up to schedule a simple tour or to drop off donations. You’re welcome to visit during our regular shelter opening hours Wednesdays – Sundays between 12 – 4 p.m.*
* Please note: Our building is currently under construction and there is very limited space. Small groups would be greatly appreciated.
Please use this link for more info and to schedule.
See our wish list here. Thank you!